Auto Bottom Boxes with Display Lid

Our custom bottom tray boxes are very sturdy and durable. lightweight, easily assembled, and fully customizable in size and printing.


Custom Auto Bottom Boxes with Display Lid

The Auto Bottom with Display Lid is another great option for displaying your products. The lid easily collapses and closes the box, reducing product transfer and waste. The Auto Bottom with Display Lid box is ideal for showcasing your products to customers and ensuring that your point of sale displays are in mint condition. The collapsible lid ensures that new packaging is not needed for your products. This auto bottom box is perfect for retailers, who are always concerned with efficiency and ensuring their customers receive the best possible experience while shopping at their store.

Suitable For Little Space

Auto Bottom with Display Lid offers an appealing point of purchase display for retailers looking to maximize their shelf space. This passive product display box easily collapses for compact storage and is constructed from lightweight and durable aluminium, providing an attractive alternative to more traditional cardboard counterparts. It can be used on the counter, in a store window or as an outer case for transporting items efficiently.

How To Grab Customers Towards Your Product

Amidst the competitive market and decreasing sales, it is important for a retailer to find the best point-of-purchase display solution. Our Auto Bottom Tray Boxes offer exactly that with the ability to display multiple products all in one. The lids can easily fold down and received any combination of containers. This keeps your products safe even during transit to ensure they arrive on time and eventually stay fresh longer. For retailers who are looking for an efficient way to sell more products, our promotional boxes will your top choice.

Features Of Auto Bottom Tray Boxes

This box structure is lightweight, easily assembled, and fully customizable in printing, style, and size. All that is needed to set up this box structure is to simply open the top of the box and fold back the lid to create a display and close it to create a typical auto bottom box. Simply paint or decorate the box with your favorite colours. Not only are they lightweight, but they are also very durably constructed of a strong material so that they can stand up over time.